



Company dynamics

Attraction display


Huajian Tea House

Lotus Garden

Chuxi Flying Waterfall

New Yushan Residents' Accommodation

Real evaluation of tourists

Every tourist is our wealth, as they say

Curiosity kills cats
Not bad, not bad. My business card from Daxinglong is worth visiting
accomplish sth. lasting by leading a quiet life
I visited the scenic area while it was still under construction and felt very nice. The Huajian tea house was very tasteful, paired with blooming lotus flowers, like a fairyland.
Autumn Harvest
Qiushi is the most beautiful tea garden I have ever visited. It has a Yunshan observation deck, a half mountain green pond, a lotus garden, and a flower tea house. I really like coffee shops, and staying in a homestay for a few days is really comfortable.

About the Chu River Source Scenic Area

The Chuxiyuan Scenic Area is located at the eastern foot of Xingzi Mountain in Zhenba County, 24 kilometers away from the county seat and 1 kilometer south of Xinglong Town. With an altitude of 800 to 1200 meters and an area of 2165 acres, it is one of the most beautiful mountain tea areas in Hanzhong City and Shaanxi Province. The scenic area mainly relies on the long-standing tea culture of the Chu River and the natural resources of the original ecology, forming a tea culture ecological tourism characteristic experience of observing the tea sea, listening to tea sounds, tasting tea, playing tea mountains, knowing tea history, and feeling tea emotions.

According to historical records, as early as 2700 years ago in the Qin Dynasty, Zhenba had already planted and produced high mountain tea. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhenba tea was once offered as a tribute to the Eastern Capital Luoyang Palace. It can be said that in the process of spreading Chinese tea culture to the world, Zhenba has played an indispensable role. As a standard demonstration base for the entire industry chain of Shaanxi Province's characteristic tea industry, the Chuxiyuan Scenic Area provides visitors with an excellent experience place to understand the entire process technology of Zhenba Gaoshan selenium rich tea, and will also become a tourist resort for tourists to deeply experience the long tea culture and history of Hanzhong.

The scenic area is surrounded by mountains, with a serene environment, fresh air, and abundant negative oxygen ions. Walking in the tea garden, the valleys are shrouded in clouds and mist, making it breathtaking. The main attractions include: Cloud Observation Platform, High Mountain Ecological Tea Garden, Starry Campground, Huajian Tea House, Tea Garden Ancient Tomb, Half Mountain Bitan, Longsiai Pit, and other attractions.
