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  • 茗茶园

         茗茶园与星空露营地、花海石林比邻而建,占地面积约11亩,集中种植了名山131、陕茶一号、黄金芽、中黄一号、中黄二号、中茶108、平阳特早等数十种名、特、优 、新茶树品种,现已成为陕西茶树品种展示的基因库。镇巴茶享誉国内外,堪称“全国最美茶乡”“中国名茶之乡”“全国十大魅力茶乡”。茗茶园是游客了解陕西茶树多样性和茶文化科普、研学体验的重要户外学习基地。
















Introduction to Chuxiyuan Scenic Spot

Dear tourists, good morning everyone!

The cicadas make noise in the forest, and the birds sing in the mountains. Welcome everyone to visit the Chu River Source Scenic Spot in this poetic season! I am XiaoX, the commentator on today’s journey, and I am honored to provide guidance services for all leaders. In this colorful season, let’s stroll among the green mountains and waters together and experience the charm of the scenic spot!

Chuxiyuan Scenic Spot is located at the eastern foot of Xingzi Mountain in the east of Zhenba County, 24km away from Zhenba County and 1km south of Xinglong Town. With an altitude of 800 to 1200 meters and an area of 2165 mu, it is one of the most beautiful high mountain tea areas in Hanzhong City and Shaanxi Province. The scenic spot mainly relies on the long tea village culture of the Chu River and the original natural resources to form an eco-tourism characteristic experience of Tea culture of watching the tea sea, listening to tea sounds, tasting tea, playing with tea mountains, knowing tea history, and feeling tea feelings.

According to historical records, as early as 2700 years ago in the Qin Dynasty, Zhenba had already planted and produced high mountain tea. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhenba tea was once offered as a tribute to the Eastern Capital Luoyang Palace. It can be said that Zhenba has an indispensable contribution to the spread of Chinese tea culture to the world. As a standard demonstration base for the whole industry chain of Shaanxi’s characteristic tea industry, Chuxiyuan Scenic Spot provides a perfect place for tourists to experience the whole process of selenium enriched tea in Zhenba Mountain, and will also become a tourist resort for tourists to experience the long history of Tea culture in Hanzhong.

The Scenic Spot is surrounded by mountains, with a serene environment, fresh air, and abundant negative oxygen ions. Walking in the tea garden, the valleys are shrouded in clouds and mist, making it breathtaking. The main attractions include: Cloud Observation Platform, High Mountain Ecological Tea Garden, Starry Campground, Huajian Tea House, Tea Garden Ancient Tomb, Half Mountain Bitan, Longsiai Pit, and other attractions.


At this moment, what comes into view is the scenic spot’s unique Shanshui Small Tavern. Here, you can taste authentic Zhenba wine and imagine the joyful world of martial arts people. The small tavern built between mountains and rivers, with carefully designed small decorations and ingenious ideas, complements the landscape walkway on the opposite side. Entering here and experiencing the wonders of nature will give you a unique feeling of staying away from the hustle and bustle and enjoying the elegant time of the four seasons!


Surrounded by mountains, looking up is the wilderness, and behind it is the farmhouse. A faint burnt aroma wafts from the shop. In a coffee shop where nostalgia can be seen and scenery can be seen, drink a cup of mellow coffee, and relax with friends from all over the world, chatting and enjoying multiple experiences of vision, taste, and smell.

Coffee shops, as a new tourism format and rural fashion consumption scene, supplement the shortcomings of the fashion service-oriented economy in the rural cultural and tourism industry, turning the scenery of green waters and mountains into a “money scene” that can lead everyone to become rich together.

Cloud Observation Platform

The Stone Forest Viewing Platform is built in the air on the steep cliffs of the high mountain tea garden, covering an area of approximately 180 square meters, providing a panoramic view of the most beautiful tea garden. The observation deck is equipped with leisure seating, providing Chinese and Western cuisine and drinks. Tourists can enjoy local specialty cuisine or enjoy tea and enjoy a comfortable life while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

2.Starry Campground

The Xingkong Campsite covers an area of approximately 21 acres and is located in an open area between mountain depressions, surrounded by mountains. It is a rare green and lush grassland on the Chashan Mountain in Chuxiyuan. The starry sky serves as a curtain and tents serve as a camp, allowing tourists to experience a long lost romance in nature, fulfilling their beautiful vision of observing the sea of clouds during the day and stars at night. The campsite plan includes accommodation area, entertainment area, leisure area, self-service camping area, and catering area. The campsite has light luxury tents, starry bubble houses, book bars, cinemas, and small taverns, providing afternoon tea, desserts, barbecues, fruits, campsite breakfast, and other services. It is also equipped with bathroom and washing facilities. The water system in the camp is interconnected, decorated with flowers from multiple seasons, and adults and children can play in the water here.

(Walk forward for about 3 minutes, passing by homestay)

New Yushan Residents’ Accommodation

The New Yushan Residents’ Residence is located on the north side of the Chuxiyuan Scenic Spot. Here, the ink and ink are green and blue, the mountains are beautiful, and the forest is sheltered… The vast sea of clouds is everywhere, surrounded by the fragrance of birds and flowers. There are not only modern brand furniture, but also antique brick, tile and wooden beams, which are integrated with the original ecological Natural landscape and modern trend elements, adding a bit of exotic customs, making itself a happy world. Living here, there is a sense of rural luxury that is “hidden in the market, hidden in the wilderness”. There are various types of apartments, including parent-child rooms, double rooms, and couples’ rooms, with all kinds of facilities and equipment to meet the accommodation needs of different groups. Here, without the chaos of silk and bamboo, without the laborious form of documents, there is boundless freedom, truly feeling the pause of time.

3.Tea Garden

The tea garden is adjacent to the Star Campground and the Flower Sea Stone Forest, covering an area of about 11 mu. It has planted dozens of famous, special, excellent and new tea varieties such as Mingshan 131, Shaanxi Tea No. 1, Huangjinya, Zhonghuang No. 1, Zhonghuang No. 2, Zhongcha 108, Pingyang Tezao, and has now become the Gene pool of Shaanxi tea varieties. Zhenba tea is renowned both domestically and internationally, and can be called the “Most Beautiful Tea Hometown in China”, “Hometown of Famous Tea in China”, and “Top Ten Charming Tea Hometowns in China”. Tea garden is an important outdoor learning base for tourists to learn about the diversity of tea plants and Tea culture in Shaanxi.

Walk forward for 4 minutes

4.Viewing Cloud Platform

Guanyuntai is a scenic spot with a higher elevation in the Scenic Spot. From the observation deck, you can listen to the wind, observe the clouds, observe the flowers, and view the scenery. It allows you to immerse yourself in the mist of the tea sea, and you can easily pick the clouds with your hands. It is a rare visual feast and one of the best viewing points in the Scenic Spot.

Dragon saliva pit

Longsali Pit is located on both sides of the Tea Garden Sightseeing Road, with two existing pits, namely Shilin Pit and Shiyan Pit. The Stone Forest Pit is located 30 meters south of the road, with a diameter of about 30 meters. There are perennial trees and bamboo trees around the pit, and the surrounding area is surrounded by strange rocks, which are incredibly beautiful; The Shiyan Cave is located on the north side of the road, surrounded by hard rocks with a diameter of about 20 meters. It is surrounded by green and mottled bamboo, and is paved with a circular leisure walkway. Tourists can take photos and check in here to experience the mystery of the cave up close.

Walk forward for 3 minutes

5.Tea Garden Ancient Tomb

According to research, the ancient tomb of the Tea Garden was the tomb of Zhu Xingshun (Qian family) and his wife during the Qing Dynasty. Sitting in the north and facing the south, there are four columns and three triple eaves Hip roof stone stele towers. In front of the stele towers, there is an altar built with stone strips. On the left and right sides, there are drum stones decorated with flowers and gourd patterns. The stele tower is 3.1 meters wide, 2.86 meters high, and the tomb is 7 meters long.

The Epitaph records that the Zhu family moved from Anhui to Zhenba during the Daoguang period, and Zhu Xingshun died in the 18th year of Guangxu. His descendants erected a monument to record the longing for their deceased loved ones and to prepare for future generations to trace their roots. The tomb provides material materials for the study of Zhenba Human migration, Qing Dynasty burial customs and stone carving art.

6.Huajian Tea House

The Huajian Tea House is located in the middle area of the Lotus Garden and the Half Mountain Bitan, with a construction area of approximately 225 square meters. It is a water friendly Zen tea house. There are currently 3 indoor tea rooms and 1 outdoor tea room, equipped with a water leisure tea tasting platform and observation platform. The environment is quiet, with lotus flowers and golden jade bamboo swaying in various shapes, making it an excellent aquatic ecological space for leisure tea drinking, fishing, and tea art performances.

Half Mountain Bitan

The Half Mountain Bitan is located on the east side of the Huajian Tea House, covering an area of approximately 8 acres and resembling a crescent moon. There are various wild fish growing in the Bitan, and a leisure trail is built around the lake. The clear and clean stream, like a green silk ribbon, gracefully falls back and forth among the peaks and valleys. Here, green rocks, green trees, clear streams and green streams form a natural Shan shui. Let people indulge in the scenery and enjoy themselves freely.

Lotus Garden

The Lotus Garden is located in the central part of the Chuxiyuan Scenic Spot, with eleven floors and approximately 15 acres. The lotus pond is densely covered with layers of lotus flowers, with rich layers. The lotus pond is equipped with observation platforms and walkways along the pond. Every spring and summer, the lotus leaves are covered with emerald green, covering the water surface; White and pink lotus flowers stretch out their heads, standing tall and graceful, competing for beauty and beauty; The gentle breeze comes, and the lotus flowers frequently wave and nod to the tourists, sending a hint of fragrance that is unforgettable.

Distinguished leaders, Chu Xiyuan Scenic Spot is a valuable resource for cultural tourism in Zhenba County, and also a shining pearl in the most beautiful mountain tea town in China. Here, boil a cup of tea soup, listen to the leisurely voice, and explore tea ceremony culture; Here, enjoy the starry sky at night, the dreamy river full of boats, and feel the tranquil time; Here, strolling through the waterfalls of the Chu River, the Milky Way sheds its shadows for thousands of feet, telling the story of time like a song.

Today’s journey has come to a temporary end. It is an honor to have a wonderful time with all the tourists and friends, and we sincerely look forward to your visit again. Wishing everyone good health and all the best, thank you!
